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Classics Club

The Classics Club at Loyola provides an opportunity for students interested in the Classics and the ancient world to get together with the Classics faculty for informal social and educational occasions. The club is run by Loyola students who usually organize one or two events per semester. Past events have included a night of Greek food and "so bad they're good" movies with classical themes at Professor Walsh's house, pizza, and a dramatic reading of a Roman comedy at Professor Taylor's house, a guided tour of the Walters Art Gallery and lunch following, and trips to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. to visit traveling exhibitions with Classical themes. See our events page for things to come. Want to see your professors declaim in togas? Want to build a catapult? Join the Classics Club and make it happen!

Fun games and tasty treats ("I came, I saw, I ate"):


Ides of March:

If you happen to be on the quad on the Ides of March, beware! You're sure to find members of the Classics Club reenacting the murder of Julius Caesar (with a little help from Shakespeare).



Contact Us

Dr. Martha Taylor
Department Chair
Humanities Building, Room 321b

Nadine Fenchak
Program Assistant
Humanities Building, Room 322A