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Photography Course Listings

Courses Offered Fall 2024

  • PT 270 - Basic Digital Photography (fulfills fine arts core requirement)
  • PT 301 - Photographic Vision: Tools, Techniques, and Theories
  • PT 350 - Visual Thinking
  • PT 361 - Digital Image
  • PT 378 - Alternative Photographic Processes
  • PT 391 - Image and Text
  • PT 400 - Senior Capstone for Artists

Courses Offered Spring 2025

  • PT 270 - Basic Digital Photography (fulfills fine arts core requirement)
  • PT 300 - Photocraft
  • PT 319  - History of Photography
  • PT 350 - Visual Thinking
  • PT 353 - Book Arts and Artists' Books
  • PT 383 - The Photographic Essay

Course Descriptions

PT 270 - Basic Digital Photography

(3.00 cr.)
Students acquire an understanding of and appreciation for both the technical and aesthetic aspects of reading and making photographs. Among the numerous techniques explored are lighting composition, and image enhancement and output. Students are expected to supply a digital camera with the ability to control aperture and shutter speed. Fulfills fine arts core requirement.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring/Summer
Years Typically Offered: Annually
Interdisciplinary Studies: FO/IFS

PT 300 - Photocraft

(3.00 cr.)
An intermediate, technical introduction to photography concentrating on the fundamentals of imagemaking, editing, and presentation in both silver and digital processes. Students gain a wide range of technical skills and experiences in both the darkroom and digital labs, focusing on in-camera exposure techniques, film/digital printing, and project-based work. A basic introduction to the Zone System, studio lighting, and image presentation is also provided. Students are expected to supply a digital SLR camera (with full manual controls). A film SLR camera is recommended.

Prerequisite: PT 270.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 301 - Photographic Vision: Tools, Techniques, and Theories

(3.00 cr.)
Students work with film and digital single lens reflex (SLR) cameras in the studio, darkroom, and computer labs. Students learn to use their cameras to craft thoughtful, intentional photographs and to enrich their understanding through careful readings of core texts of photographic theory and analysis of historic and contemporary photographs. Fulfills fine arts core requirement. Closed to students who have taken PT 300. Same course as HN 323.

Sessions Typically Offered: Fall
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 319 - History of Photography

(3.00 cr.)
An examination of the major technical and aesthetic movements in the history of photography since its invention. Covers the works of major artists working in this medium as well as the major styles. Students in this class will not be expected to produce photographs. Same course as AH 319.

Sessions Typically Offered: Spring
Years Typically Offered: Odd Years

PT 333 - Spirit Photography

(3.00 cr.)
Do you believe in ghosts? Spirits? The metaphysical? Have you ever seen or felt such a presence? Photography has a long history of capturing things the eye cannot see. Does this include spirits or the metaphysical? This course investigates these inquiries by examining nineteenth century spirit photographers through contemporary artists who strive to photograph the metaphysical. Students are introduced to the history of this discourse and guided through the process of making spirit photographs, constructing their own personal photographic spiritual spaces, and exploring the metaphysical through photography.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

PT 350 - Visual Thinking

(3.00 cr.)
Focuses on methods of interdisciplinary study essential to scholar and artist. This course combines elements of studio art, photography, and art history in a hybrid, seminar/ studio format investigating the history, theory, and material practices of the visual arts. The course offers a versatile, topics-based curriculum bringing the techniques of the artist and the labor of the scholar together in one class. Interpreting research as a creative activity crossing the boundaries of academic disciplines, the principal learning aim is the cultivation of a scholar-artist capable of innovative and rigorous investigation of the history of art and the individual creative processes. Combining experiences of art making and research in the theoretical and historical context of visual art, assignments offer students a choice of responses involving text and image. Same course as AH 350 and SA 350.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or AH 109 or AH 110 or AH 111 or SA 224 or SA 227.
Restrictions: Restricted to visual arts majors and art history, interarts, photography, and studio arts minors.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 353 - Book Arts and Artists' Books

(3.00 cr.)
Students are introduced to the materials, techniques, concepts, and equipment used in the craft of making traditional and nontraditional books. They learn folding, stitching, enclosing, and binding methods while creating three-dimensional works that literally or metaphorically reference the structure of books, address contemporary ideas about visual content, and exist as three-dimensional works of art. Same course as CM 349 and SA 353.

Prerequisite: SA 224.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Varies

PT 360 - Digital Mixed Media

(3.00 cr.)
A combination studio and digital photography course in which the computer is used as a tool and an integral part of the creative process, but work is achieved through mixed media studio methods. Two- and three-dimensional projects may include installation and/or virtual works that exist only on the Internet. Some prior computer experience recommended. Same course as CM 360 and SA 360.

Prerequisite: SA 224 or SA 227.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually
Interdisciplinary Studies: IEN

PT 361 - Digital Image

(3.00 cr.)
Examines the ways in which the computer and various software programs can be used to modify and enhance an image as a visual statement for artistic and photojournalistic use. Students are expected to supply a digital SLR camera (with full manual controls). Same course as CM 369 and SA 361.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually
Interdisciplinary Studies: FO/IFS

PT 364 - Contemporary Digital Art

(3.00 cr.)
Students taking this course gain an understanding of contemporary artists focusing on new media, while developing their own digital art practice. Video, animation, sound, web-based artwork, 3-D, interactivity, and other media practices are addressed. Classes consist of research, discussion, studio projects, critiques, and written work. Same course as CM 364 and SA 364.

Prerequisite: SA 224 or SA 227.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall/Spring
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 370 - Artist in Residence Seminar

(1.00 cr.)
A seminar led by and related to the work of the current semester's Artist in Residence at the Julio Fine Arts Gallery. Students collaborate with the artist on a project of a group or individual nature related to the artist's exhibition and practice. Varies by semester. May be repeated three times for degree credit. Same course as SA 370. (Pass/Fail).

Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 375 - Silver Processes

(3.00 cr.)
An intermediate study of black and white silver photography. Students produce their own darkroom work. Exposure, development, and printing are explored in detail in the darkroom. Students are expected to furnish a 35-millimeter film SLR camera.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 376 - Directed Workshop

(3.00 cr.)
Designed to allow students to pursue an interest in a specific area of photography such as sports, portraits, landscape, nature, etc. Weekly critiques of ongoing projects and a final exhibition portfolio required. May be repeated twice for credit.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 377 - Landscape and Nature Photography

(3.00 cr.)
An intensive workshop in photographing the landscape and elements from it as an expression of personal statement. Some weekend field trips required.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Varies
Interdisciplinary Studies: IES

PT 378 - Alternative Photographic Processes

(3.00 cr.)
A study of the early processes by which photographic images were recorded and displayed. Students make their own pinhole cameras and light sensitive materials and produce original photographs. Explores the aesthetic and expressive possibilities of alternative photographic processes, including cyanotype, Van Dyke brown, and wet-plate collodion. Same course as SA 378.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 379 - Color Photography

(3.00 cr.)
Students study the history and production of color photographic processes. Students explore making color photographs using digital cameras. Color theory, history, and practice are studied through numerous readings and image analyses.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

PT 380 - Studio Lighting

(3.00 cr.)
Aims at expanding students’ visual awareness and their ability to create fine art imagery through the controlled use of studio lighting. Students work in film or digital as they explore a variety of light sources from natural light, to hot lights, to professional strobe lights in a studio environment. Same course as CM 378.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually

PT 381 - Photojournalism

(3.00 cr.)
Engages students in photography as a storytelling medium and narrative vehicle, specifically in news and documentaries. Students learn how to communicate compelling stories via single images and photo essays, and are introduced to the various types and outlets of news and journalistic image-making. In addition to producing images, students analyze published materials and are introduced to professional ethics in the field. Same course as CM 381.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301 or CM 308.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Annually
Interdisciplinary Studies: IPJ

PT 383 - The Photographic Essay

(3.00 cr.)
Under the instructor’s direction, students develop a body of photographic images exploring, in depth, a specific photographic subject. Frequent classroom critiques of the ongoing project, technical demonstrations, and museum/gallery visits.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

PT 386 - Video Art

(3.00 cr.)
An examination of the aesthetics and history of video art, as well as a study of the techniques of video production. Students produce numerous short and long video works. Same course as CM 327 and SA 386.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301 or CM 308 or SA 224.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:
Interdisciplinary Studies:

PT 391 - Image and Text

(3.00 cr.)
Explores the dynamic relationship between photographic imagery and text. Students study the history of art that combines text and visual imagery. They also explore in their own work the ways that text as an interactive, subversive, or antithetical element can conspire with the photographic image to construct or deconstruct opinions and provoke new responses.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

PT 393 - Portraiture

(3.00 cr.)
Provides a basic foundation for students interested in portraiture. By examining the evolving roles of the photographer and the person being photographed, students are acquainted with contemporary trends in portraiture. Students work on projects that explore different ways of making portraits. Instruction includes slide presentations on the history and aesthetics of portrait photography.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Recommended Prerequisite:
PT 380.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

PT 394 - The Body in Photography

(3.00 cr.)
Throughout history the human image has been the most important subject through which artists have expressed their personal visions and identities. This course offers students an opportunity to study the human form as an artistic, photographic topic.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Recommended Prerequisite:
PT 380.
Sessions Typically Offered:
Years Typically Offered:

PT 399 - Special Topics in Photography

(3.00 cr.)
An intensive examination of a specific topic utilizing lens-based production. Topics may be historical, cultural, or genre generated. Bi-weekly critiques and a final portfolio are required. May be repeated four times for degree credit with different topics.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Sessions Typically Offered: Varies
Years Typically Offered: Varies

PT 400 - Senior Capstone for Artists

(3.00 cr.)
Students are introduced to the working world of the professional artist. Students create a cohesive body of work that is critiqued throughout the semester and exhibited at the end of the semester. Students produce a portfolio of digital images of their artwork with accompanying professional materials aimed at being able to participate in the art world in some form upon graduation. Students enter at least one exhibition, mat and frame an artwork, and attend at least one opening reception for an exhibition off-campus. Normally taken in the fall semester of the senior year. Senior photography minors must have written permission of the instructor. Same course as SA 400.

Prerequisite: PT 270 or PT 300 or PT 301.
Restrictions: Restricted to senior visual arts majors with a concentration in photography.
Sessions Typically Offered: Fall
Years Typically Offered: Annually

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